- Step by step guide to building The Charles 803
- Showing all the alternatives you can choose from to build your masterpiece.
- Order the plans from Nanda Warren
Basic functionnal description in logical order of vapor flow
Bubbler section: Vapor inlet
- The section where tha vapors are fed to the column is called the bubbler section.
- The vapors are fed throug the 3/4" VAPOR INLET and bubble in the liquid filling the entire section
causing the ethanol concentration to DOUBLE due to the stripping effect of the liquid.
Bubbler Section: Baffle plate
- Below the lower end of the vapor inlet piping is the BAFFLE PLATE separating the bubbler and
the low proof run off pipe.
- The main purpose of this plate is to prevent overflow inrush that may cause excessive low proof
run off, and loss of precious beer and ethanol.
- The less evident yet the most important purpose of this baffle plate is to prevent a steam blow off
through the run off water vent, in the event of a column blockage that would cause a sudden increase in the pressure
of the bubbler section.
- This type of blockage may never happen, but just like the seat belt of your car, that will never be
- You will be happy to have followed directions thar seemed ridiculous and futile, because the
hot steam shooting out the run off water vent will hurt someone very badly.
Bubbler Section: Baffle plate sub-chamber
- The BAFFLE PLATE SUB-CHAMBER is filled with copper brillio pads ( pure copper scrubbing pads )
- Or stainless steel brillio pads ( pure stainless steel scrubbing pads )
- NOTE: The term BRILLIO PADS is a common name for pot scrubbers.
- For packing the Baffle plate sub-chamber, please use only pure Copper or Stainless stell scrubbers.
- Unwrap the metal pad, and roll the mesh around the plate holder until the entire area is full of loosely
packed mesh.