starches are converted to sugar with the help of enzymes, which are used during the cooking process. These
biochemical activators function only at the correct temperature and can be destroyed by boiling. (Enzymes are available from
a variety of sources, including THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS, or you can produce your own at home by sprouting barley.) You'll also
need to agitate the mash thoroughly and later in the process you'll need to maintain a full rolling boil to bring about complete
conversion. (However, if you use a high-speed mixer or pump to create the violent agitation, the boll can be eliminated by
holding the mash at 180 deg F for 45 minutes while mixing the brew continuously.)
Wheat, Corn, Rye, Barley, Milo, Rice, Cattails
Grind to a fine meal using a 3/16" screen on a hammermill; add 30 gal. water per bushel.
Additives (Enzymes):
Add 3 spoons mash cooking powder* per bushel.
Preboil: Raise temp. to 170 deg F for 15 min.; agitate
Cook: Hold at rapid rolling boil for 30 min.
Cool Down: Cool with
coil to 170 deg F; add 3 spoons mash cooking powder*; agitate for 30-60 min.
Culture: Reduce temp.
to 90 deg F; add 6 spoons mash fermenting powder*; agitate for 10 min.; cover.
Comments: Results:
9% alcohol. Wheat, rye, and barley may cause foaming: Use Low-FoaM** or mix with cornmeal.
Preparation: Break apart, do not
grind; add 30 gal. water per 55 lb.
Additives (Enzymes): Add 3 spoons mash cooking powder* per bushel.
Raise temp. to 170 deg F for 15 min.; agitate vigorously.
Cook: Hold at rapid rolling boil for 30
Cool Down: Cool with coil to 170 deg F; add 3 spoons mash cooking powder*; agitate for 30-60
Culture: Reduce temp. to 90 deg F; add 6 spoons mash fermenting powder*; agitate for 10 min.;
Comments: Results: 9% alcohol. Remove oil (if content is high) before fermentation.
Potatoes, Cassava (Manioc), Taro
Preparation: Slice, crush, or break apart; add 10 gal. water per 100 lb., or
as little water as possible.
Additives (Enzymes): Add 5 spoons mash cooking powder* per 100 lb.
Cook: Raise temp. to 180 deg F for 30 min., agitate vigorously.
Cool Down:
Culture: Reduce temp. to 90 deg F; add 10 spoons mash fermenting powder*; agitate 10 min.; cover.
Results: 9% alcohol.
* Available from THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS, P.O. Box 70, Hendersonville, N.C. 28791. ** Available from Biocon, Inc., Dept,
TMEN, 261 Midland Ave., Lexington, Ky. 40507.
<SOURCE> Mother Earth, 1980