Sugar crops -- such as sugar beets, sugar cane, and molasses
-- give a greater yield per acre than starch crops as a rule, because the material doesn't require conversion. Unfortunately,
sugars don't store well. Processing includes squeezing the juice out of the stalks of plants or leaching it from their tubers.
Whichever way you extract the sugar, be sure to sterilize the syrup to discourage contamination. Then, before you add the
yeast, the sugar concentration should be adjusted to 18% (using a saccharometer). In addition, yeast food should be introduced
along with the yeast to increase alcohol production.
Cheese whey also contains sugar (in the form of lactose) but is
treated somewhat differently from the other sugars, although the end result is still good old ethanol.
Sugar Beets, Mangel-wurzels (Fodder Beets), Artichoke Tubers
Preparation: Slice or crush; add 10 gal. water per 100 lb., or as little
as possible.
Additives (Enzymes): Acid may be added to beets to reach pH 5.0.
Cook: Raise temp. to 190 deg F for 20 min.; agitate.
Cool Down: None
Reduce temp. to 90 deg F; add yeast; agitate 10 min.; cover.
Comments: Results: 7% alcohol. Beets
may require some molasses yeast food**.
Sorghum, Cane, Artichoke Stalks
Squeeze out juice.
Additives (Enzymes): None.
Preboil: Raise temp to 180 deg
F for 10 min. to sterilize.
Cook: None.
Cool Down: None.
Reduce temp. to 90 deg F; add water to make 18% sugar; add yeast; agitate 10 min.; cover.
Results: 9% alcohol. Molasses yeast food** may be added to increase yield.
Sugar Products
Preparation: None.
(Enzymes): Molasses from beets may need neutralization with acid.
Preboil: If necessary,
raise temp to 180 deg F for 10 min. to sterilize.
Cook: None.
Cool Down: None.
Reduce temp. to 90 deg F; add water to make 18% sugar; add yeast; agitate 10 min.; cover.
Results: 9% alcohol. Use molasses yeast food** to insure proper yield. High NaCl content may interfere with fermentation.
Cheese Whey
Additives (Enzymes): None.
Preboil: None.
Raise temp. to 210 deg F for 10 min. to sterilize.
Cool Down: Separate protein with NH40H; adjust
pH to 5.0.
Culture: Reduce temp. to 90 deg F; Add Kluyveromyces fragilis or Torula cremoris yeast.
Fermentation takes only 12 hrs.
Comments: Results: 3% alcohol. Aeration may increase yield. Whey may
be used as liquid with corn, but lactase must be added for conversion.
* Available from THE MOTHER EARTH NEWS, P.O. Box 70, Hendersonville,
N.C. 28791. ** Available from Biocon, Inc., Dept, TMEN, 261 Midland Ave., Lexington, Ky. 40507.