If you use a 55g drum on its side, (as Robert suggests), how do you clean up the boiler remenants after boiling?
George Oerter Wrote
1. filter the beer from the fermenter to the boiler. 2. I have a cleanout cut into the top (side) of the
boiler and there is a 2" bung at the bottom (end) to assist in cleanout with a water hose. Too bad I
can't attach a picture. 3. washout can go to recycle for next batch...george
Donald Franson Wrote
I just use a garden hose and rinse it out each time, a 55 gallon drum lasts about a year before it gets to rusty and
you have to replace it anyway.
Robert Dvoracek Wrote
Get one of the drums that has a tension band to hold the top on. The whole top comes off.